
Download the whitepaper 'Why Tape Storage is Alive and Kicking and Futureproof'

Are you wondering if tape solutions are still relevant? In this whitepaper we explain when and why IBM tape solutions are the best choice when you are looking for data storage.

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Read our latest whitepaper on why tape storage is alive and kicking!

IBM continuously invests in developing their tape solutions. Digital tape is one of the oldest storage media. Some say that its death warrant was already signed, but that’s unjustified. Although many enterprises have embraced ‘cloud first’ as their strategy, tape is well worth considering. Tape may react slower than disks but manufacturers like IBM still invest heavily in research and development of the product. Because of its relatively low cost this ‘tape on steroids’ is the perfect additional method to archive ever growing amounts of data. In this whitepaper you can read more about why tape storage has the future. In this whitepaper:

  • Trends and challenges
  • Security
  • The relevance of tape solutions
  • Research and development by IBM
  • Use cases